Another Kentucky Board, Pushing Slaughter Under the Guise of Equine Welfare?
H.B. 398, is championed by the newly formed "Equine Health and Welfare Alliance" (a pro slaughter group) - this bill would create a separate Kentucky Equine Health and Welfare Board. The Board would have the authority to hold public hearings, collect data and issue regulations. ...The Board would report annually to the Governor and the Cabinet and Legislative Research Commission on its work.

One of the first duties of the Board will be to assess the scope of the so-called problem of "abandoned" or "unwanted" horses. The Alliance acknowledges the information disseminated is largely hearsay. Indeed, much of it is false, planted by pro-slaughter interests in an effort to see horse slaughter return to the United States. Horse slaughter, of course, is not driven by numbers of so-called abandoned or unwanted horses, but instead a demand for horsemeat largely as a delicacy in some foreign countries. The USDA reports more than 92% of horses purchased and sent to slaughter are healthy. Nonetheless, horse slaughter proponents pretend slaughter is a service to dispose of "abandoned" or "unwanted" horses to get the public to support their seedy, cruel practice.
The bill is sponsored by Kentucky state Rep. Tom McKee of Cynthiana and has been approved by the state House Agriculture and Small Business Committee. The full House is expected to vote on the measure soon.
The Board is simply a front for pro-horse slaughter interests that will surely recommend slaughter as an equine "welfare" measure and at the same time control the rescues operated by horse protection advocates who oppose slaughter. All under the authority of the Kentucky state government.
The Board would not be able to interfere with the Kentucky Horse Racing Authority or the Kentucky Board of Veterinary Examiners.
Oppose this bill, H.B. 398. This is nothing but a power grab by pro-slaughter interests. If this bill passes, they will have a state sanctioned Board to push for the return of horse slaughter to the U.S., oppose the federal legislation to stop all slaughter of American horses, and control the rescues of advocates working to save horses from slaughter. Kentuckians don't need an industry weighted Board to improve the laws protecting horses or come up with ways to improve their care. They can decide these issues themselves through their local and state governments.
Contact Kentucky state representatives found here and state senators found here (be polite) and urge them to vote NO on H.B. 398. Faxes or calls are best. If you get a voice mail, leave a message. If you live in Kentucky, go here to find your legislators.
Go here to read how you can help pass the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, H.R. 503/S.B. 727, now pending in Congress.
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